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Kids Running

Hypnosis for Children

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy for children, teens, and young adults has been a proven solution in alleviating a variety of childhood issues.


We are prepared to help parents and children navigate challenges including, but not limited to:


  • Night Terrors & Sleep Issues

  • Child Anxiety

  • Bed Wetting

Day Care

A great deal of the hypnotic process has an element of imagination and play associated with it.


Because of its reliance on imagination and playfulness, hypnosis can be an especially effective way to help kids, including very young children. By maintaining an atmosphere of novelty, creativity, respect, and trust, children are more easily able to discover their innate strengths and resources to help create the changes they want.

Mother and a Child

Hypnosis and EFT are particularly helpful with many of the emotional and health issues faced by children and young adults.  Young people change and adapt quickly.


The primary goal at PHC is to help clients use their own natural abilities to improve their daily lives.


We get in our own way.  The tools we use are able to help get past uncertainty, fear and repetitive self-defeating behavior.  By reducing stress (anxiety, fear, anger, self-doubt, etc.) we can help improve performance (sports, studies, focus, test-taking etc.).

Concrete Wall

We went to Patrick because my daughter had stopped eating most foods.


We went to ONE therapy session with Patrick and she started eating.


Carrots, peas, broccoli and green beans... Although it is still a challenge and something she needs to work on daily, she has improved more in one session with Patrick than in 8 years. I highly recommend Patrick.


- Jaclyn S.


See more Providence Hypnosis Success Stories

Kids Playing Tug of War
Pediatric Hypnotherapy:
Hypnosis Helping Kids

What is pediatric hypnotherapy?


As currently practiced, hypnotherapy most often involves teaching a child how to self-hypnotize in order to control bad habits, physical symptoms, and other conditions. The child learns to use relaxation techniques and mental images—similar to a daydream or fantasy—to enter an “altered mental state” (in other words, to induce hypnosis).

Once in this altered state, the therapist makes suggestions aimed at producing the desired change in behavior, anxiety level, or symptom intensity 2, 3, 4 . These may range from recalling times of feeling happy and well in a child with chronic pain, to thinking of the body as a “computer” that the child can “program” with his or her mind.

The child may also receive specific teaching about their problem as a means of helping them learn to exercise control over their body. For example, a child with nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting) may be taught the basic anatomy and function of the bladder. Ultimately, the child is able to induce self-hypnosis when needed to achieve the desired changes.


What is the history of using hypnosis with children?


Hypnosis of children was first described in 1779 by Mesmer, who reportedly used hypnotherapy to treat a child with visual problems. Historically, hypnotherapy was rarely practiced with children, because people thought that children could not be hypnotized.
In the 1970’s, however, observations suggested that children were easier to hypnotize than adults, and that hypnosis could be used in the treatment of behavioral and physical problems in children 1 .

Concrete Wall

He worked wonders for my 7th grade son. Would highly recommend.


- Eileen C.


See more Providence Hypnosis Success Stories

Smiling Baby

What are some uses of hypnotherapy in children? 


Behavior Problems

Habit/tic Disorders 
Thumb-sucking, trichotillomania (hair-pulling), and Tourette’s Syndrome


Bed-wetting (Nocturnal enuresis)
Evidence includes case reports as well as one clinical trial, in which hypnotherapy was shown to be more effective than medication. Here is a review of this study.


Sleep Issues

Sleep terrors, nightmares, and other sleep disturbances


Food Issues

Swallowing problems, food aversions, and choking (not related to anatomic problems or disease)


Anxiety and Stress



Chronic Illnesses



Hypnotherapy may reduce episodes of wheezing or shortness of breath, and may decrease reliance on asthma medications.


Cystic Fibrosis (CF)

Hypnotherapy can reduce symptoms of cough, shortness of breath, anxiety, and other problems commonly faced by these patients.


Migraine Headaches


Concrete Wall

My son suffered from crushing anxiety that affected him in many ways at all times. I took him to many professional therapists, clinicians and specialists over the years with no change. In one session, Patrick helped him more than anyone. The improvement was visible. My son could hardly believe it.

I highly recommend Patrick's services.

- Laura H 


See more Providence Hypnosis Success Stories

Boy's Portrait

Control of pain, treatment/procedure discomfort and other symptoms


  • Chronic pain in cancer patients
    Initial results from small studies showing that hypnotherapy can be used to manage chronic pain in children with cancer; larger studies are likely underway.

  • Nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy
    Several studies comparing hypnotherapy to anti-nausea medications and simple relaxation techniques show that hypnotherapy plus medications was more effective than medications alone in reducing nausea and vomiting. Children treated with hypnotherapy had less pre- and post-chemotherapy nausea and vomiting.

  • Treatments: pill-swallowing, injections, and medical procedures
    Hypnosis has been shown to be very effective in helping children through painful procedures like shots, IV pokes, even spinal taps and bone marrow studies.

Providence Hypnosis Center


Helping  you and your loved ones overcome emotional discomfort.

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