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What is Hypnosis?

Many think of hypnosis as a form of control. This is not the case.  The process is far more graceful and interesting than this.  Hypnotherapy is a fascinating process of communication within different aspects of consciousness. It can be playful and amusing, as evidenced by the popularity of stage shows. It can also be breathtaking to witness the ability of the mind to explore and use information internally.  When guided the mind can explore deep patterns of consciousness.  It can also utilize suggestion to enhance well-being and health.  


Hypnosis is very related to the process of imagination.  On stage people can be directed to do playful things.  In therapeutic practice  the mind can be directed to rid the body of warts  or to eliminate Hot Flashes in Menopause or breast cancer treatment.


We regularly help people who have wrestled with fear for decades find balance.

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Hypnotherapy, Tapping and the Subconscious Mind


Hypnotherapy, and Tapping Protocols, used skillfully, actually broaden control within an individual.  They are processes of information and emotion.  When the mind is offered useful information, in the correct way, it opens the doors of creative opportunity.


The Subconscious Mind (SCM)


The frontiers of research are offering a new description of older aspects of the mind.  The concept of the SCM emerged from the observation that humans have aspects of consciousness that are beyond reason and control (an understatement by any measure).


Perhaps the most important new reflection on the mind and consciousness come from a neuroscientist at NYU.  Joseph Ledoux describes research into emotion in his book The Emotional Brain (Simon & Schuster; unknown edition (March 27, 1998) )


Through watching the brain/mind function Ledoux arrived at the conclusion that humans in fact have TWO brains that SPEAK DIFFERENT LANGUAGES.  This is an extraordinary refinement of the puzzle humans face in understanding our complex relationship with ourselves.  The structures of the middle brain exist throughout the animal kingdom.  The middle brain is where all emotional processes are experienced.


Information, reason, our sense of self... YOU...are a product of the fancier newer structures of the brain.  As swell as all that is, our new brain is subject to the power and whims of old consciousness.  Information flows readily and dynamically from the old brain to the new.  Emotion (anxiety, fears, our parents...and their ancestors) flows forward to outmaneuver reason.  The neural pathways from thinking to emotion are very limited.  


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Hypnotism, Safe, Enjoyable, Effective


Professional hypnotherapy is a very safe, enjoyable and comfortable process. It mobilizes internal resources for change and growth.  These natural skills are simply an undeveloped part of our social and individual evolution. EFT is a technique that is very useful in managing stress, fear and anxiety in addition to many other emotional reactions. These tools use the imagination and the ability of the mind to create and liberate in many different ways.


This web site offers information about some of the ways that we use these tools to work with different challenging conditions. Please call with any questions you have and visit the news stories page for interesting examples of the work we are doing.


Professional hypnotherapy is a very safe, enjoyable and comfortable process.

It mobilizes internal resources for change and growth. These natural skills are simply an undeveloped part of our social and individual evolution.

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